What's Happening

*The summer is more than half over and I am starting to think about work again. Bummer.
The good thing is our trip to UT and ID is coming up and I can pretend like school is not going to start for a good week!  I am sure my family will entertain me well and hopefully feed me yummy meals.  I love my food.

*Jason and I decided to update our house this month and we have been busy making many decisions about our home.  Jason has done most of the work which I greatly appreciate. I am only detailed when it comes to music and I have no house fashion sense.  So far working with the painters, cabinet guy, floor guy, and granite company has been a good experience.  We are hoping things are all done by mid September.
Our granite slab that will be cut and designed for the kitchen.  It is much prettier in real life.
New appliances are rolling in!  Kristen was right, I love my top loader.

The house painting was finished just this morning.  I love how bright my entry way is now.
Evan got back from scout camp.  He talked non-stop for about 15 min. and then announced that he needed a nap!  Poor guy was eaten buy mosquitoes but overall had a blast.  He lived through the WILDERNESS SURVIVAL merit badge too.  I'm glad I didn't know he was going to do that since he had to sleep away from the main camp.
I guess bug spray doesn't work at scout camp.
*I am still busy running the loop trail and putting on muscle.  I am improving slowly but have enjoyed the challenge this summer and I plan on running another half October 1.  Hopefully with my best friend.

* We haven't gotten out on the boat too much because David is usually working and the weather has been pretty cool.  This last week it heated up so we are hoping to have some fun on the water soon.
We went to Lake Chelan for a quick swim.

25 mile creek area - a great date night for Jason and I.


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