Birthday Week

My birthday week really started the week before when Missy gave me this amazing gift!  I am compiling old and new recipes and have found the organization a lot better than what I was doing before.  I don't panic anymore when people ask me for recipes and I can find them faster because of the colored paper that sits behind each card.  I can't wait for the summer when I have time to learn how to cook new things.
 My actual birthday was spent at school teaching music and wishing I was outside.  Here is a pic of my disorganized thinking.  Trying to pick out music for tweens, and making it fun and interesting, is more stressful than you would think.  Especially when they have never heard of any of the songs you chose and you have to convince them that "old" music is fun to sing!
When I went to erase it later I found a small anonymous message hidden in the center.  It reads, "We all love you."  That really made my birthday special.
My bday gift from Jason.  Italian leather smells so good!
 On my birthday weekend, I finished another half marathon here in town along the Columbia river.  I had a hard time getting in my runs due to work and a busy schedule but I discovered new running gear that made me want to get out and put in the miles.  My new favorite running item is the FLIP BELT.
Running was even harder after I had the flu for a few days during the peak of my training.  Even still, I met my modified goal of 10:00 minute miles! I checked the national average for people my age who run half marathons and discovered that it is 11:00 min miles. I feel very fit at 41.

I couldn't feel my legs at this point and I was happy to be done.

My good running friends from my church ward.

After running the half, my best friend Erine took me out to dinner and I was surprised by a few other friends with gifts and balloons.  Eating chicken parmigiana and lemon cake was a nice way to end my birthday week.

 Jason and the boys have been spending some time building mountain biking and hiking trails up in Sage Hills.  If you look hard enough you can see Evan's red back pack in the center of this picture.

Jason is getting fit by mountain biking more and he sent me these pictures of his Sunday ride on Red Hill.  We live in a beautiful place!
Train to Red Hill

The Enchantments that we hiked last summer are in the background.


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