7 more weeks!

Seven more weeks until school is out!  I think I can, I think I can!

The anticipation of lazy summer days makes the last 7 weeks torture.  Throw in our local community days (a.k.a Apple Blossom), several concerts (the ear-worms get really bad people), end of the year behavior problems, and basically I'm sunk.  To summarize, I earn my pay those last few weeks before school gets out.

This past week I had 1st and 2nd grade program and Evan had his first track meet.  I made it late to the event and got there just in time to snap a pic of Ev running the 400m.  He has another meet this week and I hope to get pics of him attempting pole vault.
My track boy!

Flowers from my students after the concert.
David and I have spent some time together this week buying everything he needs for his first prom.  It has been fun talking about it and finding out details from him.  Next week I hope to get pics in front of the house without crying or embarrassing him in front of his date.  I promised to be "chill".

Both David and Evan are taking big exams the next few months.  David- AP ENGLISH and ACT's.  EVAN is trying to pass ALGEBRA 1 so he can take geometry as an 8th grader.  I am a little proud of this, but also wondering if they think that I expect them to do these hard things.
 I have tried to not pressure them too much about performance in school.  I realize that being a kid is fleeting therefore I want them to enjoy just being a kid.  There is plenty of time for extreme education in the future.  I have never believed that a kids HS performance determines their future.  I think it is more about maturity and hard work which happens late for some of us.

This next week is a big one with parades, track meets, and dances.  I hope everyone looks forward to the next post with anticipation.  Also, please remember me every day this week as I am trapped in a room with 35 kids in each of my 6 periods of choir.  I must really love music to keep up this teaching act!


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