An Update

The past few weeks we have been as busy as ever getting things done and staying on schedule.  Both of our boys are pretty happy with their lives and that is something I like seeing as a parent.  Here are a few things we have done lately:

David is sitting on the far left in a red vest.  I am beyond proud of my young man who is not only smart and talented but sensitive and sweet.

 Pi FUN RUN with Evan
Our AWESOME race shirts
 Evan and I participated in a 5k in celebration of Pi day!  I assumed that Evan, being a math geek, would love to join me.  Turns out the only thing that hooked him was the promise of food at the end of the race.  But hey, whatever works!
Evan only came for the pizza.

We love running!
More DRIVING with Dave
Just a little scared Evan?
 David has been doing well learning how to drive around town but Sunday morning it was raining and I have to admit I was a bit nervous about his skills.  Turns out he is pretty good in the rain but still needs to practice parking between two cars. For me, it is still strange handing him the keys and sitting in the passenger seat of my own car.
First drive in the rain.
BIRTHDAY with Olivia a.k.a Elsa
I have known this little girl since the day she was born and even held her for the first time on that exact day.  She is a St. Patrick's Day baby and I am happy we were able to celebrate her birthday together just like family.  The sweetest girl who obviously loves Frozen.

SHOPPING with Jason
Jason, Evan, and I went to the Home and Garden show together to dream about how to spruce up our house.  We pretty much do this every year without kids but Evan had to come because of our schedule.  I am glad he did so that I could capture this pick of him with the Wal-Mart gnome.


I just have to put a plug in for personal scripture study.  I have made a greater effort in my life and it has calmed many a storm that has passed my way at work and home.  I cannot say it enough- Personal scripture study changes lives!  If you have not had devotional time lately I challenge you to find a consistent and easy way to fit it into your lifestyle.  You will not regret the blessings that will follow.  I have felt more at peace and have had more strength to deal with my students in a loving way.
The most recent thing I learned is that the gospel of Jesus Christ is not complicated.  It is simple, easy, consistent, and offered to all who have lived or live today.  That message is loud and clear in the scriptures and it makes me beyond happy to know it.


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