911 Driving

Getting ready to leave work...this is really happening.
 For many years I have driven my own children home from school after work but that has all changed.  My boy turned fifteen in February and got his drivers permit the next day!  He is now driving me around. It is so strange I can't even tell ya!
Can you tell I am taking my time?
Evan trying to steal some thunder.
Close the door Dave!
David does a great job.  Me not so much!  I am especially bad in the back seat.  I have got to remember to buy some duct tape for my mouth.

Pulling away from the school.
So, I was a little distracted and didn't take too many pics as we drove through town for a soda and then up the hill to home.  David did a great job watching for pedestrians and parking at Circle K.  I keep thinking if he does have an accident maybe I can get the same car in a different color.
Dave has mastered parking in the garage.

I got out just to make sure he didn't hit Dad's bikes.
 I love watching this guy grow up and I am fully aware we only have two and half years left with him under my total control.  Isn't he a handsome guy?  Ladies, he is just shy of 6 feet. ;)


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