A Musical Family

Growing up I had an obvious passion for music.  Sometimes I would prefer to be alone with my piano rather than be with other people!  What I didn't know back then, was that my passion would open a lot of doors professionally and allow me to help out in my church.

It is interesting to me today how music naturally comes to my boys and I take a sense of pride in knowing they may have inherited that from me.  I do not spoil my kids much however, anything they want that deals with music I will buy.

David is a trumpet player and picked out a brand new trumpet this year courtesy of my bonus money.  I think I was more excited about shopping for it than he was and we found a sweet deal while visiting Utah.  We had the best time together sitting in a music store debating about the tone quality of each horn.
I imagine this trumpet will be a part of our family for years to come.  It is beautiful and I enjoy playing duets with my teenager who could care less right now about how it makes me feel.  I just know that in the future he will remember the moments we shared in our family room arguing about his posture.
Evan started taking guitar this year and he discovered that he has amazing finger dexterity.  I can relate because playing the piano came easily to me and it felt like my fingers would never quit.  He decided it would be fun to ask for a ukulele for Christmas so I did my research and found this beauty.  It has an amazing sound that reminds me of the days I lived in Hawaii.  Love this instrument!  I told Evan that after I worked with David that he and I would work on a song that he could play while I sing.  The expected groan followed and I counteracted by telling Dave to encourage his brother to cooperate.  David said, "Evan, I had to go through it growing up and now you do."   I thought to myself, "These boys will surely thank me later."
My piano was a gift from Jason while I was 9 months pregnant with our second baby.  I had gone 3 1/2 years at the point without a piano in my life and I felt like someone had cut off my arm.  I had a decent keyboard but it was not the same.  I picked out my own piano and made sure it was shiny and black.  I still love the way it sounds and feels and there have been hundreds of moments spent on it with my kids as babies and toddlers.  They would sit on my lap while I played and sometimes rest their hands on top of mine.  Other times they would peck away at the same key over and over and I loved that sound!
I did teach David how to play when he was 5 and he was a natural.  He loves his trumpet more now still, I am not going to give up on the idea that he will learn to play on his own.
My piano is covered with many dings from Hot Wheel cars, the vacuum cleaner, and who knows what.  At first it bothered me and now I love those markings because my kids put them there.


  1. So awesome! They will thank you later. Blake was mad at us for NOT making him:) Skype piano lessons for coop?:)


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