Raising Boys

Eastmont Swim Team 2014

 When my boys were babies I would sometimes dream up scenarios of what it would be like raising them into teens.  Nothing I imagined compares to what is actually happening today!  It is amazing to watch these kids grow up and try hard at everything they do.  I do not remember being like that when I was a kid.

I recently watched a video called "THE POWER OF BELIEF" and it struck me that I think that way today. (see video above)  It took me a long time to believe in myself that way so it blows me away that my kids think that way now.  I take some credit for their belief because I have tried extra hard to be a good example of what it looks like to set a goal and accomplish it.  

However, I actually think my kids came to earth with this belief and mindset a part of them already.  According to the video their minds are OPEN to possibilities (they try) and combining that with their INTELLIGENCE makes them successful.

I also think that our religion has a great deal to do with their success.  As a Mormon, I have always known where I came from and why I am here on Earth.  Knowing this has given me faith in Jesus Christ and every experience I have had, good and bad, has changed my faith into knowledge.  Knowing that God does exist and care for me as an individual has made my life easier and encouraged me to keep growing and learning.  I have been doing all that I can to pass this experience on to my children and it is making all the difference.  I can see it happening now!

My kids are becoming thoughtful and kind.  My kids are trudging their way through bad days at school with their heads held high.  They are accepting of others and being good examples.  They get ready for church without complaint because they feel something good when they are there.  They ask me hard questions about what I believe in and keep asking questions until they understand gospel principles.  They have faith that God is there always watching and rooting for them.  Nothing in this world makes me happier than watching my kids grow in the gospel!  

David mentioned tonight to a friend at dinner that he can see how people view our religion as oppressive but he tries to make his friends understand that he CHOOSES to live this way because it makes him happy.  And, that he chooses to be obedient because he loves God.

It brought tears to my eyes to see him say this with conviction.  David has learned already what it took me 20 years to figure out.  That we are given commandments for our happiness and protection and that we may never be perfect, but through Christ we can open our minds to endless possibilities!

Math is Cool

Raising boys has been the best part of my life.  It has been another builder of my faith that God does loves each of us.  No wonder the family is central to his plan for us to have Eternal Life with those we love!  I have learned a great deal from my sons and they are only 14 and 10.  I cannot even imagine what I will learn from now until my last breath.


  1. What a wonderful post Ami!! Linda and I are so proud of you and Jason and your family. Life is good & the gospel is true.


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