Day # The future

Where do I see myself in 5 years, 10 years, and 15 years?

5 years:
According to Jason's calculations and master plan (which I honestly am going to have a hard time living) we will be debt free in 5 years with no mortgage!  
I have been struggling with THE PLAN only because I have been really good so far with my money so why change.  (Thanks Mr. Money Moustache BTW)

However, thinking 5 years ahead I see myself doing the Dave Ramsey debt free yell along side my hubby and I am getting a tiny bit excited about that.  I will not be weighed down by my job but choosing to work 100%.  I will be studying how to play the organ with one child on a mission and a sophomore in High School.  I will still be madly in love with my husband and riding and running the loop trail, eating tacos right afterwards because I burned a bunch of calories and need to get them back.  I will also be driving the same car, living in the same house, and finally practicing sewing baby quilts.

10 Years:
I will be almost 50.  My kids will be 24 and 20.  I will think very hard about retiring especially if there is a grand kid around!  I will be a master on the organ by now and hopefully playing guitar too.  I will spend a lot of my time outdoors looking at birds, running, and hiking.  I will travel but not too far because there is so much to see in this beautiful state.  I will visit my kids any chance I get and see my sisters more because their kids will be gone too!  I will sew quilts for everyone I know and be like my good friend Debby.

15 Years:
Retired for sure!  This will mark a whole new world being able to travel here and there with Jason.  We will have many adventures like his grandparents did and still be healthy and active doing all the things we love i.e. running, biking, hiking.  And we will have several grand kids by then that we get to kiss them and spend time with because we don't have to work or even live in a specific place.  It will be amazing to have no strings holding us back!

I guess Jason's plan sounds better and better every day!


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