I was wanted

I have recently become friends with someone who adopted a baby three years ago.  I have learned a lot about the other end of adoption from her and it got me thinking about what others may think of my story.  
For me, being adopted has always been a known.  How could I not know with 5 other white brothers and sister!
My 4th bday
  I had an amazing childhood and my Dad always told me I was his favorite.  (Something tells me he said this to all 6 of us!)  My parents burped me, fed me, potty trained me, got up with me at night, loved me for who I was, and sacrificed.  In my mind this defines what a "REAL PARENT" is.

There have been many times in my life when people have asked me what I know about my real parents.  I have always taken that question with a little surprise because my Mom and Dad are my real parents.  I have learned that the correct terminology is "birth parents" and "parents". Now that truly makes a lot more sense to me!

I know very little about my birth parents.  Mostly because I was born in Guatemala and adopted as an infant.  My birth mother's name was Lydia Orozco and I think of her all day on my birthday.  I pray she knows I am safe and happy and sometimes when I get very sentimental I imagine that we look alike and share a love for music.  It is even fun to speculate that I am taller than her and I know that if we ever meet I will not be able to find the words to thank her for loving me as much as she does.  I am guessing that she is somewhere in her mid 60's and I am sure that she dreams about me often and that is a wonderful thought when I am feeling low.

I know nothing about my birth Father and I have a feeling that there is not much there I would want to know.  My birth Mother did not even include his name on my birth certificate.  Maybe someday I will feel like searching, but for now I am content thinking that they both wanted a better life for me than the one they could provide.

My Mom and Dad were able to give me a childhood that others could only dream of.  I was given opportunity after opportunity to make something of myself and I never took that for granted.  I love thinking back about the times I spent with my little sister and I get teary to this day remembering all of the small moments we spent playing together.  My Mom is in heaven now and that has been tough but I feel her love every day.  My Dad is still the same guy I remember as a child.  The sound of his voice is still comforting and he loves me like a daughter because that is exactly what I am.  He told me countless times that I was wanted more than my siblings and although he said it in a joking way, I know what he meant.  He meant that I was wanted like my siblings were.

Last year I attended a fundraiser for a co-worker who would be traveling to China to get his son. As he performed song after song on stage with his wife I got extremely emotional.  I sat there in awe and I cried many tears of joy.  For the first time I realized how much I was wanted.  My friends wanted their son just like any pregnant Mother wants their child to be born.  They sang beautiful words to a son they had never met and it felt like they were singing to me.  It was a beautiful experience and a testimony to me of what defines parenthood.  It was a spiritual experience to sit in a church and feel a parents love. After the concert, I talked to my friends with tears in my eyes and thanked them for opening their heart to a little boy half way across the world.  

There is nothing I could ever do to repay my Mom and Dad for opening their hearts to me and making me a part of their eternal family.  I do try every day to make them proud and I do not let my good fortune go to waste.  So many have sacrificed for the life I am now living.  It would be a shame to love myself less than they do.

Needless to say, I left that fundraiser feeling grateful and before I drove away I called my Dad from the parking lot and thanked him in every way I could think of for wanting me so long ago.  He laughed like it was no big deal but I know differently!

Photo: Add us on Instagram at ForeverBoundAdoption! We posted this cute picture today!
There are many people out there who long for a child.  Who want a son or daughter that they have never met and feel that there is someone waiting to be a part of their family.  I am living proof that birth parents make the right choice when they choose to put their children up for adoption.  I have a full life because of the childhood that I was given.  All of my parents played a part in this - what a lucky little girl I was to be loved this much!

Here is a link to my friends adoption page:
Travis and Erin Richter adoption page

They are looking for their next son or daughter and I am thrilled to help in this small way.
As you read more about them please keep in mind my story.   
I am who I am because I was wanted and loved.


  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your experiences. This was beautiful! I grew up with an adopted brother and I believe adoption is a wonderful gift to so many families.


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