My day

Day #8   (30 day blogging challenge)
Describe your day in detail

6:05  Alarm goes off.
6:06   I beg hubby to take kids to their early school activities because I barely slept.
7:05  Having slept in, I jump in the shower remembering mid shampoo that I already took a shower last night to make my morning easier.
7:40  I am out the door running a little late for a skit rehearsal.  But I did grab an apple for breakfast later!
7:50  I rehearse a skit with teachers for the fun assembly in the afternoon.
8:30  My 5th graders walk in.  We share a few jokes and then I grill them about their note values and recorder technique.  Always a good time!

9:20  3rd graders rehearse for their concert.  Very fun until a girl made fun of a boy for having long hair and asked him when he planned on cutting it!  Unbelievable.  He cried and the entire class really disliked their friend in tears.  I had to discipline and smooth it over with all parties.  Luckily, everyone left class happy.  No more tears, and no more dirty looks being sent to the offender.

10:10  4th grade comes in to rehearse on the risers for their performance next Tues.  We pass out kazoos and they give me all they've got.  I was very happy and proud.

11:05  Finally able to use the bathroom and eat something! I bagged the weight watchers today and escaped my classroom to get some french fries and a diet soda.  I also planned for a sub and entered rosters into my fancy response system kids use to take multiple choice tests with.  I enjoyed being alone in my room for a short time even though the entire school has lunch on the other side of classroom/stage.  We are only separated by sheet rock.

12:25  The kindergartners are here!  6 year-old children have a ton of energy.  My fries are starting to make me sleepy! I pull through playing Valentine's Day games and singing songs with these precious kids.  I passed out paper hearts and half of them came back crumpled with a bite taken out of them.  Kind of annoyed me and made me smile at the same time.

1:15  No passing here so I sent one class out and got my 2nd graders right away.  We had to take a test...bummer....but we used the fancy response system and the kids thought it was a game instead.  Lots of smiles and patience needed here to teach kids how to use a clicker that is not a touch screen.
I end the class with about 15 minutes of solid drum playing...24 drums at the same time!  I cannot believe it doesn't phase me.

2:05  Another potty break- I think people don't realize how limited time is as a teacher.

2:10  Set up for the assembly.  I made 1st graders sit on their bottoms without touching neighbors - yah right, who am I kidding?  I cued teachers to enter and perform and I think I only put 5 kids in time out for touching, slapping, or saying mean things.  Whew..I am exhausted and my feet hurt.

3:00  My work day is over so I spend time cleaning up the room.  I think every person who entered my room that day left me a piece of paper.

3:30  I am home...I read blogs...begin writing this blog post & have a funny text conversation with a friend...I think about working out but I am beyond tired and Wednesday is a day I usually take off from sweating and pretending I am an athlete ( normally I take 70 minutes at the gym).

I talk to my kids and kiss them on their cute faces...I try to talk to my husband about something adult like..I make dinner and eat dinner with my family (a must pretty much every day-my favorite part of the day).
I also pick up the clothes strewn on the floor in my closet & think about vacuuming.

6:30  Off to mutual to make fancy desserts with teen girls.  At least I get to eat again!  There were two choices and I went for the brownie trifle.  A yummy treat that eventually made me a little sick thanks to the condensed milk.

8:30  I drive to Macy's to pay my Bill which was not processed on-line.  Very irritating but there was no late fee charge and the gal who helped me was super polite.  I was also able to have a good talk with my teenage boy who has lots of questions about random things and loves music.  I found out he wants to write music and can sing lots of songs I have never heard.  I sure wish he was more comfortable performing in public however, his voice is starting to change now so according to him that would be awkward.  :0

9:00  Back home again.  I say good night to each of my kids and husband and enjoy real alone time sitting on the couch with my iPad reading conference talks and watching one episode of Intelligence, a new show I am not sure I like.

10:30  I finally call it quits and go to bed...Only to wake up late again the next morning!!


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