Let's try this again!

I fully admit I have started and stopped this blog many times.  I also fully admit I am not the most affluent writer.  I'm not that funny and maybe less wise than I actually think.  I'm not a great cook or even super crafty.  I also have very little to add to the fashion industry considering black is a color to me.
Even still, I felt the old bloggers remorse this week while reading many fabulous blogs written by women.
I was inspired by their honesty and I thought to myself, "Ok, I'm honest! I have no problem telling others what I think, believe, or feel."  When it boils down to it I now consider this blog a type of journal.  Something I will print and share with my kids and grandchildren.  It excites me to think that my words may touch another generation in my family.  And, although I am not what some may consider blogger worthy, I know that there is only one of me in this world.  That should be enough to draw others in and maybe, just maybe, they will read what I have to say and smile.


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