
Showing posts from 2014


My husband and I will celebrate our 17th wedding anniversary this December.  We have had quite a normal life with many more good days than bad.  In the beginning, I always thought Jason was just lucky but I began to rethink that when I really noticed who he was as a Father and a husband.   Together Jason and I have built a family from the ground up.  It has been hard work because we do not always see eye to eye and we have had to forgive each other and move on many times.  The idea that we would have a perfect marriage and perfect children never entered my mind.  I knew that it would be hard and I am glad that I picked the right person to raise a family with. I think this picture accurately depicts our happiness and even though it was staged, I love the natural smiles we have.  Honestly, our home is happy 99% of the time and we are very close.  We are so close, that I cannot imagine it ever changing despite time or trials.  I giv...

Be Yourself

Be Yourself.  Love who are.  Find out what you are good at.  Do not compare yourself to others.  You are unique.  Growing up I heard all of the above phrases and more.  Funny thing is, I never actually took that advice to heart until much later.  I did try to be someone else (or at least imagined I was).  I did not always love myself the way I should have.  I even thought I was not that gifted at anything.  I compared my weaknesses to the strengths of others.  I didn't feel like one of a kind when I had braces and glasses. Now that I am raising kids myself, I just can't get over the fact that I felt that way at times.  I know for certain that I earned every ounce of confidence I now own.  I now realize that every single one of us needs to learn how to be ourselves without worrying about what others may think of us.  It is a hard lesson.  One I personally learned over years of failures and through prayer. I ...


My family had quite a time over the weekend hanging out and doing a variety of things.  We are all about finding our own personal happiness around here!  In fact, it has been quite an adventure for Jason and I helping our children discover what makes them happy. I bought Dave a new trumpet this year.  David is a member of the High School Jazz Band and Concert band this year.  He enjoys it a great deal now that he is at the High School.  I was surprised that he danced in the stands at the football game with his other band members and proudly marched out onto the field to perform for Homecoming half time. Getting Along Annoying Little Brother ruins it! Little Bro pretending to be hurt. Finally peaceful again. Evan is learning to play the guitar.  He randomly strums his instrument each day and if I'm lucky I will catch him singing too.  He is doing well in school and cross country despite being sick for the past couple of ...


As a working Mom I feel like I am constantly running, making lists, crossing things off, planning my next move, forgetting something, cleaning, cooking, hugging kids, scolding kids, working out, and trying not to fail at my job.  I know mentally it is completely impossible to be the best at everything. That is why several years ago I allowed myself to not be perfect!  Sounds simple but it was hard to do.  It took daily practice - not laziness- but practice. Now, I can look at a messy room and think the following:  "Ami, you should clean that room.  It would look really nice when you are done.  You worked all day and didn't get a chance to clean so you should pick up a broom and get to it. On second thought, you should walk into the next room and give your teenager a kiss.  He might really need one!  Oh, and you should tell him you are proud of him and not let him get away with NOT kissing you back.  And, you should ask him how things are...

A few thoughts

First thought:  It seems like one day I turned around and these two faces were no longer little or needy.  I feel like the best part of life is just beginning and I am closing a chapter concerning these two.  This year will mark the first year we do not have an elementary school aged child. Second thought:  Despite my kids getting older, I do not feel like less of a parent or even less important in their lives.  If anything I feel a stronger desire to be closer to them and to make an effort to know who they are.  With my boys growing quickly, it is consoling to realize that we can talk about any topic without them being embarrassed or feeling judged.  Jason and I have made it our goal to let our kids know that they are loved forever and we will always be there. Third thought:  The boys were joking around today about what their children will call their Dad and I.  It may be a ways away, but I had a small vision of beautiful grandchild...

O Me! O Life!

 I was riding in the boat yesterday and it reminded me of the last few lines of Walt Whitman's poem.  It seemed to be the perfect combination of water, sun, and happiness that got me thinking about what I have contributed to this world in the past 39 years. The question, O me! so sad, recurring—What good amid these, O me, O life?    Answer .   That you are here—that life exists, and identity; That the powerful play goes on, and you will contribute a verse.   I had similar thoughts watching my boys tubing.  I thought of each of them individually and wondered what they will contribute to this world.  The answer I heard was "great things", and that really made my heart soar!  To top the day off, I saw and captured a picture of one of the most beautiful birds, the Great Blue Heron.  I googled it when I got home and discovered this bit of info..pretty amazing! ...

Water Skiing, Sunburns, & Smiles

The men in the family spent an entire day learning water sports.  I was unable to go!  Huge bummer.  From the different stories they each told, this experience is something they will never forget. The boys had never wake boarded or water skied before.  In fact, the instructor asked if the kids did any type of boarding sports.  Jason told him they bike and swim only!  I guess that is partly my fault because I value their brains and don't want them to get knocked around or have them break bones.  It may not be logical but I stand by my decision. :) The following pics and videos are evidence of the amazing experience my sons had with their Dad.  I am happy they had a bonding experience- I think they will talk about it forever! EVAN DAVID JASON

Rediscovering Nature

The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man. Today I traveled to Entiat to learn more about natural forest fires , shrubs , and macro invertebrates .   I spent a good 4 hours with   Stream Ecologist, Dr. Mark Oswood and Fisheries Biologist, Phil Archibald (really loved this guy-he hummed all the time!) I am so grateful that they have spent the core of their lives preserving and studying nature.  What an experience to listen to them speak passionately about God's creations.   To top it all off, I spotted an elk in the distance!  Watching it run was the most beautiful thing I have seen in a while.  I also almost held  a snake and I waded in a stream with a net to catch the smallest invertebrates I didn't even know existed. Here are my best pics for the day.  Enjoy! As I was taking this picture my family was boating just down the river Morning Cloak perched on evidence left...

Wenatchee Naturalist

Yesterday, I went on a field trip with my naturalist class up to the White River area.  Besides not being able to talk the entire day due to laryngitis, I had an amazing experience.  They say a picture speaks a thousand words...take a look at these photos! Hummingbird Nest- a first for me! Lake Wenatchee Tree Roots from a fallen giant Lots of buds and WIND!  So cold. Lichen and algae on tree bark These were popping up everywhere- can't remember the name! Napeequa River Here I saw an American Dipper.  He flew away before I snapped the shot! Taken from Tall Timbre Ranch-Chiwawa Ridge The Creator knew what he was doing. Every time I go outside I am reminded that he does exist.  And, he does love each of us individually!