
My husband and I will celebrate our 17th wedding anniversary this December. We have had quite a normal life with many more good days than bad. In the beginning, I always thought Jason was just lucky but I began to rethink that when I really noticed who he was as a Father and a husband. Together Jason and I have built a family from the ground up. It has been hard work because we do not always see eye to eye and we have had to forgive each other and move on many times. The idea that we would have a perfect marriage and perfect children never entered my mind. I knew that it would be hard and I am glad that I picked the right person to raise a family with. I think this picture accurately depicts our happiness and even though it was staged, I love the natural smiles we have. Honestly, our home is happy 99% of the time and we are very close. We are so close, that I cannot imagine it ever changing despite time or trials. I giv...