O Me! O Life!

 I was riding in the boat yesterday and it reminded me of the last few lines of Walt Whitman's poem.  It seemed to be the perfect combination of water, sun, and happiness that got me thinking about what I have contributed to this world in the past 39 years.

The question, O me! so sad, recurring—What good amid these, O me, O life? 


That you are here—that life exists, and identity; That the powerful play goes on, and you will contribute a verse.

I had similar thoughts watching my boys tubing.  I thought of each of them individually and wondered what they will contribute to this world.  The answer I heard was "great things", and that really made my heart soar!

 To top the day off, I saw and captured a picture of one of the most beautiful birds, the Great Blue Heron.  I googled it when I got home and discovered this bit of info..pretty amazing!

" In Native American lore the Heron embodies wisdom and patience.  Supremely capable at fishing and hunting, the Iroquois felt that the sight of one before a hunt was a very good omen for success."
I guess I will not worry anymore about the fate of my children.  Looks like they have much to add to this world- and I get to watch it happen!


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