
We were positively overloaded with activities the last 10 days.  We haven't had a week like this for a while!
Here was our schedule:

Saturday: Ice Fishing
Both kids slept in snow caves and went ice fishing with their scout troop.  It was so quiet around the house while they were gone and we enjoyed that peace!

David messing around instead of packing for his trip.

Cooking for the other Scouts.

David is a bit stronger than this poor kid!
Monday Nights: Percussion Lessons
Evan has been taking lessons since his birthday this past summer and is learning very quickly.  He also plays in 7th grade band and begs me to buy him a drum kit almost every week.  I can't believe I agreed to this instrument, it's going to be extra loud around the house for a long time.

Monday- Friday: Jazz Band Workshop
 David was released from school several days this last week to practice with professional jazz musicians over in Wenatchee.  This was his 4th year participating and I am always excited to watch the Friday concert.  Nothing makes me happier than to see my boys loving music the way I do.

Monday- Friday: Wrestling practice
Evan has been enjoying wrestling so much that he doesn't quit after practice.  He seems to forget that everyone who lives here is bigger and stronger than he is but that doesn't stop him from asking each of us to grapple with him.

Wednesday: Wrestling Match
I was unprepared for Evan to wrestle an opponent.  I completely stressed me out and I ended up breaking out in a sweat from head to toe.  He did an amazing job for his first time and I am fairly certain it is turning into a passion.  My proudest moment was seeing the way Evan handled himself after the first match and the aggressiveness he displayed in his second.    Click HERE to see some video.
First Take down Tournament

Monday- Friday: Swim practice
On his way to Districts.
THURSDAY: Swimming Districts (And yes, we are all tired by now.)David is on the Eastmont High School swim team and went to District this year for the 500m freestyle and 200 IM (that's the one where you swim all 4 strokes back to back).He made it to the finals in the 500m for the Saturday session this year.

FRIDAY NIGHT:  Jazz Concert 
  David is the lead trumpet in jazz band and obviously towered over the professional trumpet player he worked with.  We found it humorous because he has been working with this same guy for the past four years and use to be the short one when they stood side by side.
 My favorite part of the evening was during the last number.  David had to wail on his trumpet to play some high notes and I knew that big ending was coming so, of course, the building anticipation of the music made me a bit teary. 

SATURDAY @ 8:10 a.m.: SOLO COMPETITION - Snare Drum (Wenatchee)
@ 7:30 a.m.   Finals for Swim (Moses Lake)
Jason and I split up to accomplish this day- so glad we only have 2 kids.

Evan performed a specific piece on the snare drum with sticks and mallets and will receive a ranking based on his performance sometime next week.  Again, having musical children is pure happiness to me.
David swam the 500m Freestyle at the Finals and did it in under 6 minutes.  He made it as an alternate to State for the relay teams in the Butterfly

Getting tips from a professional
Driving home after Finals

SATURDAY: Kid PAYDAY & Chores and Errands

Allowance was in his hand for all of 5 minutes!


  1. You guys did it!!! You made it through the week! Doesn't it feel like a huge accomplishment? I'd rather be busy doing the things that our family loves.......but momma needs a break sometimes:) love you Ami! Find me a percussion instructor in Olympia would ya? For Cooper.


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