A quick post!

Just remembered I forgot to blog.  It is 10:20 p.m.
So, here is just a quick list of 10 things I thought of on the spot:

1.  David is turning 16 on Wednesday.  How can this be?
2.  Evan got his first pin.  Click Here to see.
3. I can now do 48 push ups on my feet in 4 minutes but I'm still short.  Someone needs to invent an exercise that makes you taller.
4.  Teaching middle school choir is exhausting but rewarding and sometimes the kids sing so well I get tears in my eyes.
5.  I made the best sugar cookies ever for Valentine's Day and made homemade Chicken Parmesan.  YUM!
6.  Jason and I have been together for 24 years and I still like him.
7.  Parenting is hard.  I don't ever feel like I am good at it but I keep trying.
8.  Evan always waits until the last minute to wash his wrestling singlet.  It is very tiny and red which makes it hard to gather a load and justify using the washing machine.
9.  David had an early bday party today with all of his friends from church and it donned on me that they have been friends since they were 3.
10. Jason and I are going away for two nights alone.  It is seriously the first time in at least 10 years we have left our kids at home for a vacation.


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