A Normal Busy Life

We are sitting at home right now doing our own thing.  Obviously, I'm writing.  David is reading a book on his Kindle and Jason and Evan are working on the music merit badge.
Oh wow, now the men are all gathered around the TV listening to A Boy Named Sue by Johnny Cash.  Ha ha, what a great song!  These family moments make the best memories.

We are in the middle of winter and still very busy. David is on the HS swim team and close to making District times in several events.  He is obviously stronger this year and growing taller by the minute.  I am happy to see signs of maturity in him lately, especially since he is going to drive alone in 3 weeks.  He's as excited as he can get which means you can't really tell.  David has a chill demeanor about exciting events.  Makes it a bit hard to read him sometimes but I'm also glad he's not an emotional roller coaster.

Evan has started wrestling.  I think he is enjoying the challenge and I don't know how to feel about watching him in a match.  I will go, but I might have to close my eyes.  I think this week he has his first take down tournament. In the meantime he is practicing with me at home and it's hilarious.

Jason and I are just working and running kids around. Over and over and over again.  I'm starting to train for a half marathon in April and Jason still likes going to the Crossfit gym in Wenatchee.  He's trying to talk me into it but I went in there once and it smells like a true gym!  Ha ha.  I have been working on building muscle so as soon as I can do 8 sets of 15 push ups in a row then I might try it out.  I don't want to make a fool out of myself  in front of my husband and his workout group.  It sounds intense!

These long winter months are hard to endure at times and I don't have any exciting stories or insights to share.  Just know that we are doing well and enjoying our family.


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