Our road trip to California was full of memorable moments and lots of snow. We sang all kinds of songs, ate junk food, and actually made it home 6 days later at 3 a.m. cracking jokes.
Picture taken near Echo Ridge in Manson, WA Today I was inspired to start this blog while listening to a great friend teach during church. I kept thinking - How am I going to share what I feel, know, and love about this life with other people? I am sure not everyone in this world wants to know what goes on in my head but I feel a strong desire to share it anyway. I have also wanted to become a better writer and hopefully this new outlet can help. Please be patient with the spelling, and wording, and maybe a few weak attempts to be funny!! I am living the unexpected life. This is not a negative comment because in my wildest dreams I would have never imagined living the way I do now. I have a great husband that I have been friends with for over 20 years - two incredible boys- a very unexpected but fabulous job - and peace of mind. Through all of the good and turbulent times I have always known what the vision is for my life. I know this has made the unexpected easier to handle. I...
It is that time of year again! I like making resolutions but keeping them is getting harder every year. The funny thing is...I do not feel like a a failure at the end of the year because I at least gave them some thought. This year I am at a loss. So, here is a quick list of options. Keep in mind options means OPTIONAL and therefore not written in stone. I still have two more days to figure things out. Finish what I start i.e. the knitting I have started and restarted several times. This could also include painting around the house. Find a new hobby . Not sure what that would be but I googled it and apparently pole dancing is a hobby. Pretty sure I am not going to pick that one! Mountain bike. Jason would laugh at this one but it terrifies me so it is a good thing to put on the list. If you have never tried it just imagine biking over rocks and sticks. Sounds easy but I always end up bleeding on my yearly ride with the hubby. Eat breakfast. Crazy right? I never wake up...
Be Yourself. Love who are. Find out what you are good at. Do not compare yourself to others. You are unique. Growing up I heard all of the above phrases and more. Funny thing is, I never actually took that advice to heart until much later. I did try to be someone else (or at least imagined I was). I did not always love myself the way I should have. I even thought I was not that gifted at anything. I compared my weaknesses to the strengths of others. I didn't feel like one of a kind when I had braces and glasses. Now that I am raising kids myself, I just can't get over the fact that I felt that way at times. I know for certain that I earned every ounce of confidence I now own. I now realize that every single one of us needs to learn how to be ourselves without worrying about what others may think of us. It is a hard lesson. One I personally learned over years of failures and through prayer. I ...
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