Just keeping up

Some days I feel like I am barely keeping up.  My job, my house, my kids, my husband, and my personal time are all extremely important to me and balancing all of it is the hardest part of my life right now.
Usually on Sundays I look back at my schedule and realize how much I got done in 7 days and I feel accomplished.  Then, I think about all the things I did that were not on my google calendar and I amaze myself!
A long time ago I was able to let go of being the perfect housewife and working woman and I glory now in things I have taken the time to enjoy.  Like watching Evan run in his new "man tights", as he likes to call them.  Or listening to David play the trumpet out on the football field while wearing his band uniform that he actually hates to wear.  (I had no idea.)
I also listened to an amazing podcast on depression & music, learned two new pieces on the piano, played the organ horribly today in sacrament meeting, and joined a transracial adoptee FB page where I learned that I am a POC (person of color).  I now know that their are tons of adoptees just like me in the world who have met the same challenges I have.
In addition, I feel smarter this week after playing and directing my 6 choirs and managing to be kind to the boy in 2nd grade who literally hates my guts.  I also went out on a limb and asked some hard questions at work which is scary and embarrassing for me however, I did it and I didn't care if they still liked me or not.

 Yes, I feel like I am just keeping up but I am enjoying it all too!


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