Settling In

School has been running for three weeks now and I think we are settling in to our new schedule.  This is a good thing because we seem to find more time to relax when we know what to expect.  Sometimes settling in can be a bad thing however, because you become complacent and even lazy.  It is a fine balance.

We have taken on the challenge of observing the Sabbath more intensely and have found a lot of joy in weekly scripture study and prayer.  I love hearing my kids pray- I actually feel like they are mature when I hear them ask for things we need as a family and also pray for the needs of others.
I have learned that it is not hard to implement these things into your family life and someone has created an app for it which helps a lot!  I just love technology.

Our next adventure as a family will be during Christmas when HOPEFULLY we take a trip to California to visit some old friends.  I am going to be taking Dramamine to cope with riding in the back seat while David does his share of the driving.  I am notorious for getting car sick as a passenger and just this year I started getting sick as the driver as well!!  Getting old is zero fun.

The boys are still growing fast and as obnoxious as ever but we enjoy the craziness since our family is small and we have 6 short years until our kids are gone.  Evan is currently become crazed with Batman.  He dresses up like this and annoys us.  He is awesome.


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