How I see things

I see things differently from anyone else on the planet.  Because of that, one thing I enjoy doing is going down to the river to explore and take pictures.  Even though I have no training as a photographer I am happy to pretend that I do!  My kids usually come with me so I get a lot of shots that are no good because they try to confuse me and poke me with their walking sticks.  Dang boys!

My son Evan always has some kind of pose for me and anytime I yell "Turn around!,"  he shows me something new.  Gotta love a 6th grader who isn't shy.

David on the other hand rarely shows me a decent face.  Today I captured this which made me happy because he didn't pose with his tongue hanging out.  I just think he is a heart throb ladies!

The rest of my pics are of nature which I love for reasons I cannot fully explain.   The river peacefully exists while I struggle daily with my weaknesses. I often think about that when I have a rough day at work and it helps.
 I also want to promote the idea of making regular trips outside to the same spot over time.  You will be amazed at what you find and your appreciation for where you live will increase.  In Wenatchee there is so much to see and do and it just kills me when I hear someone say there isn't much to this town!! I love this valley.
If you take the time to look at the following photos I took today please keep this in mind-
Photography is an art of observation.  It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place.  It has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with HOW you see them. -Elliott Erwitt


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