Making Amends
I enjoy going to church for lots of different reasons. I have friends there, I like the way I feel when I enter the building, and my resolve to live a meaningful life is strengthened when I attend. One of the biggest reasons why I enjoy it is because it sparks a lot of memories and increases my gratitude for my Savior. Today, we were discussing repentance and the atonement in Sunday School. A part of that discussion included talking about making amends to someone you have wronged. A strong feeling came over me as I recalled an event that took place in my life 13 years ago right before Christmas. My Mom was very ill with MS when I was 27 and fortunately we were visiting in Utah when she was admitted into the hospital. It was difficult to to go visit her knowing her condition was declining. I had a two-year old then and I asked my husband to take care of him so I could spend some time alone with my Mom. When I entered the room she was asleep and...