Motherhood...a never ending story

This year I am choosing only one thing for my resolution:  Motherhood.  First, I have to say that I do not consider myself a bad mother.  I just want to grow.  And, as all Mothers know it is a tough job trying to "be" all of the things one must be in order to keep the family happy and healthy.

I realized during an argument with my teenager that maybe I was slacking a bit.  Teenagers and yelling don't work well together and that bothered me a great deal.  Especially when my teen told me what he really thought through tears.  Right then and there I knew my resolution would be a chance for me to focus more on Motherhood rather than running, my job, what to cook for dinner, church etc. etc.

My plan to make this resolution work is to focus on one facet of womanhood/motherhood a week.  These characteristics are of course chosen by ME.  I like the thought that my idea of motherhood may differ from someone else.  This is a natural conclusion because we all have such amazing unique children!  We have to be what they deserve given that God gave them to us to raise.  I like to think I know my kids pretty well by now and I honestly have never written down what I think each of my children need from me.  (Just typing that gets me excited about this resolution!)

So, starting now I am focusing on a facet of my choosing. I will see how the week goes and write about it next Sunday.

Week 1:  A mother gains a testimony of Jesus Christ through prayer and scripture study.  She shares her testimony with her children daily.


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