Just listen

This is an older blog I never got around to publishing.  It really seems to fit my theme of Motherhood this year and I wanted to share it.  I am still working on positive thoughts and encouragement with my children and I will post more about that next week.


"If you are slipping into things that you should not slip into or if you are associating with people who are pulling you away in the wrong direction, that is the time to assert your independence, your agency. Listen to the voice of the Spirit, and you will not be led astray."
-Boyd K. Packer

I read a great talk by Boyd K. Packer this morning before church. It was inspiring to me because lately I have had anxiety about whether or not I have been teaching my kids enough.

I do a great job showing them how to do things like fry an egg or make toast. But, am I teaching them what they really need to know? I can rewind to moments in our family life when it seemed like they were taking in my spiritual wisdom. However, when I consider the crazy world we live in I still have to pray those moments are enough. Sometimes it seems unsafe and unfair that my boys have their free agency.

Of course, I know that Lucifer wants my boys to fail. He thinks he can beat me as a mother and influence them more than I can. He wants them to lose. When I think about that it makes me try harder and brings out my competitive edge.
I don't like to fail but I have learned by reading Boyd K. Packer's talk that failing is inevitable. Even when it comes to my children. I am grateful that God has prepared for this and promised us a way back to live with him. I know my boys are not perfect but I can teach them how to listen to the spirit when they are in trouble and that repentance is never too far from their reach.


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