30 Days of Blogging

Day One: 15 Things About Me
- There are just a few obvious things about me: I'm brown, I'm short, and I have a big smile!
- I love to run. I was hooked by age 11 and still find time for it today. There is something spiritual about a runner's high and if I could bottle it up and give to all of my friends I would. Unfortunately, you have to actually RUN to experience it.
- I am grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have learned that being faithful brings great blessings into your life.
- I have ugly feet, great hair, and I enjoy having a body that is healthy and capable of working hard.
- I am a good music teacher. I have taught for 13 years so I feel I have a right to toot my own horn now. I was born to teach and that is all thanks to God.
- If you want to make me mad you can do one of the following things: Bounce a ball in the house non-stop, don't come to dinner immediately when you are called, be late, lie to me, leave the milk out, or disagree with me (just being honest with that one!).
- I hate drinking milk by itself.
- I love action movies.
- I get embarrassed in certain situations which I will not mention so that you cannot embarrass me.
- I like to stack things or shove them into drawers. A very bad habit I need fixed.
- I admire people for simple things i.e. someone who keeps their purse organized.
- I dream about my mother who passed away every week. Not a single day goes by without me missing her and I cry for her often.
- The most peaceful place I have ever been is inside the temple. Nothing in my life has ever matched what I felt when I went there for the first time 2 years ago.
- My children and husband are the most important things to me besides my faith. We love each other for who we are.
- I love foot rubs and back rubs and I only get one if my sister is visiting. Which is usually once a year. Bummer, I know!
Funny, that's the only time I get a massage too!