33 miles
Can you believe I biked 33 miles! Me!

I dropped my chain AGAIN trying to get up to the bridge. J-dog saved the day then too! What will I ever do when I am by myself?
Apparently, I don't know how to stop correctly either which really frustrated my husband but I think it is a lot safer to un-clip from the bike BEFORE I stop....just in case I can't squeeze the brakes soon enough. You are supposed to balance or something...couldn't quite figure that out. Who wants to balance on two wheels while you are clipped in anyway?

I am also afraid of train tracks. You would be too if you heard the stories about people crashing on them because their front wheel got stuck. No worries, I just closed my eyes, crossed my fingers, and prayed while I pedaled over. It worked, so there!
There was only one dog that scared the @#*! out of me. Luckily he chased the fast girls in front and didn't see me right behind him. I think Jason chased him off. At least I like to think he did.

The worst however, was having to ride in the back of the group we met up with because I can't shift worth beans. This only embarrassed me a little because I redeemed myself by biking up Badger Mt. to our house. It is steep, very long, and it makes your legs scream. Jason stopped to pick up change along the way. Yes, I was going that slow.
Overall, I am happy Jason took the time to go with me. I loved that ride. I saw beautiful orchards and felt the wind on my face. I even felt like a real cyclist when I pedaled down hill. A huge thrill for this hard working mother of two. (Almost forgot the cinnamon roll we stopped to get at the bakery.)
Jason probably had zero fun and I would never say I am easy to ride with but that's what love is all about right? I love my husband. Not something really unexpected for me to say however, it was unexpected to actually love him more after 33 miles on the road.
I do have a sore rump but other than that I am pretty proud of myself.
Of course there were a few sketchy moments....
Like when I dropped my chain while trying to climb a monstrous hill after bombing down a smaller one. Jason put it back on and then pushed me up the hill while riding his own bike. How does one do that??...What a stud eh?
I dropped my chain AGAIN trying to get up to the bridge. J-dog saved the day then too! What will I ever do when I am by myself?
Apparently, I don't know how to stop correctly either which really frustrated my husband but I think it is a lot safer to un-clip from the bike BEFORE I stop....just in case I can't squeeze the brakes soon enough. You are supposed to balance or something...couldn't quite figure that out. Who wants to balance on two wheels while you are clipped in anyway?

I am also afraid of train tracks. You would be too if you heard the stories about people crashing on them because their front wheel got stuck. No worries, I just closed my eyes, crossed my fingers, and prayed while I pedaled over. It worked, so there!
There was only one dog that scared the @#*! out of me. Luckily he chased the fast girls in front and didn't see me right behind him. I think Jason chased him off. At least I like to think he did.

The worst however, was having to ride in the back of the group we met up with because I can't shift worth beans. This only embarrassed me a little because I redeemed myself by biking up Badger Mt. to our house. It is steep, very long, and it makes your legs scream. Jason stopped to pick up change along the way. Yes, I was going that slow.
Overall, I am happy Jason took the time to go with me. I loved that ride. I saw beautiful orchards and felt the wind on my face. I even felt like a real cyclist when I pedaled down hill. A huge thrill for this hard working mother of two. (Almost forgot the cinnamon roll we stopped to get at the bakery.)
Jason probably had zero fun and I would never say I am easy to ride with but that's what love is all about right? I love my husband. Not something really unexpected for me to say however, it was unexpected to actually love him more after 33 miles on the road.

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