
Jason and I put in a lot of miles this last week.  Well, Jason actually drove and I kept him company.  There was only one time that I may have talked too much. Ha ha!

Me, making the trip extra fun with lots of stories, questions, and opinions.
East Wenatchee-Spokane- Federal Way- Home  

First, we went to Spokane for Jason's work retreat.  Jason wasn't feeling great, but it was still nice to get away and stay at a nice hotel and eat delicious food all on a company's dime.  I think we spent a whole $30.00 on the entire weeks adventures!

Historical Davenport Hotel-Spokane
This area was gorgeous!

The hotel was restored in 2002.
Second, we went to Federal Way to watch the little guy swim for a total of 52 seconds during his leg of the relay.  He kept telling us not to come but I told him that this is what parents do! We spend many minutes, sometimes hours, waiting to see our kids do something great for a few seconds.

Most of the athletes looked liked adult monsters compared to Evan, who is 14 and almost 1/2 years old, and I was impressed by the size of the pool.  Evan looked like he was having a lot of fun watching and hanging out with friends.  He informed me that he can take an ice bath for 7 minutes without wimping out- I was impressed and frightened by this information.  Can ice kill your chances to father kids?? EEK!

Eastmont Swim & Dive state qualifiers

Waving to Mommy!

Evan's name all lit up on the screen. 
Eastmont Huddle

Got him to take a photo with me! We weigh the same but somehow he is skinnier.
This weekend was also David's 18th birthday. He is an adult!  I am always proud of that kid and pray for him every day.  I don't think I will ever stop worrying but it's getting easier to let him make his own decisions and find his own way. He sent me a few photos from his recent trip to UT and he looks happy.



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