The VanderSluis' gang is still hanging in there trying to work hard and do well in school. I took a little break from the blog because I had a lot going on with my job and life this fall. So, instead of feeling guilty about not doing it, I chose to put it on the back burner for a while. But now I am back!
ME: I am doing the best I can in my job even though it can be rough disciplining underdeveloped minds. I have been focusing on food a lot these days and it has been a good thing! I realized that I do not eat often enough and then I am starving. This leads to all kinds of bad things since I switched work outs to early mornings. I have found many new favorite foods that are easy to grab before work and scarf down in front of my students. I think they are use to me eating every class!
I still rehearse 6 choirs this year and teach kindergarten and 1st grade music. I cannot believe how much planning goes into my job and when I don't plan I FAIL. My school is turning into a 7th through 9th grade school within 3 years from now, and I am struggling with the idea of working with that age group. Still not sure what I will do, meaning I may go back to elementary.
Evan: My boy is acting like a teenager in all the right and wrong ways. He is currently on swim team for the High School and doing super well in breast stroke. I hope my next post has more news about that! We just found out that he aced all of his classes this semester and that's pretty awesome. He says he is not that great at English but I can't imagine him not doing well with writing his opinions down on paper. He is still witty as ever and very much like his Dad the older he gets.
Stake Dance- not sure how they were supposed to dress I think! |
New company hat. |

JASON: Wenatchee is a beautiful place to live. (This is the view from my school parking lot). I am super jealous that Jason gets to work outside staying busy with his orchards and farmers and talking to adults about adult things. He seems more busy this winter than normal but still happy with his job. Jason and I had a great 20th anniversary and got away for a few days before Christmas. He surprised me with diamonds!
Happy Anniversary to me! |
DAVID: Dave is back at school and taking lots of really hard classes, in my opinion. I think he wants to go into engineering but he's still 17 and has lots of time to figure that out. I also think he is still navigating college life but I just got off the phone with him and he promised he is doing really well; staying social and studying a ton. I snapped a picture of my burnt cookies for him to know home life is still the same.
Happens every time! |
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