Busy as ever!

  •  David graduated from High School and then we dropped our baby off at college.  THE HARDEST thing I have ever done is cut the cord. David is getting along well and learning how to study and take care of himself.  I worry every day but in a good way, he sends me texts of what he's eating and sounds happy. All of us are still adjusting and I am confident he will do great things.
My baby- still little and needing his Mom.

  • Evan is a freshman this year and getting ready to start swim in two weeks.  He is as sassy as ever, a good friend to me, and likes all the attention he gets as the only child for the next four years.  I just want him to stay little but his sense of humor gets sharper every year so I look forward to that growth!
Evan's 7th grade pic.  His voice has changed and he's taller now.

Halloween with his best friends

Good Friends are priceless!
  • Out entire family loves MUSIC. I'm the only one who only gets paid right now for my passion.  Both kids are getting into guitar and both of my boys have amazing singing voices.  Evan has studied longer and sings all day which I totally love and appreciate.  Jason shares songs and talks to us about all of our musical ideas and we love him for supporting us in our crazy musical moments.
  • I have a new calling at church to lead the Young Women beehives who are 12 & 13 years old.  I'm excited and organized enough that I think I can fit that into my busy schedule. I have been listening daily to the Book of Mormon and have gained a better attitude about work since doing so.  I like my job but I still have days I wish I could stay home.  I am proud to be able to pay for Dave's college and scripture study has brought more meaning to my work. I have 6 choirs and one is only made up of boys- 34 of them! Yes, I am insane.
  • I have INSTAGRAM so if you don't follow me you should since I post on that quite a bit like a journal.  We just took another adventure in the Lexus around our area and it was gorgeous.
  • My best friend moved away and that made me sad. I tried to convince her not to move to UT but she did anyway.  The good thing is I now have my best friend and family all in the same area.
  • I still run 3 times a week and lift weights 2 times a week.  I got this idea to get up at 5 a.m. and it was torture at first but now I have more time after work to do everything else I need to do. My goal this school year is to run FASTER.  I have discovered that 400 meter repeats for 5 miles can send my heart rate up like nothing else! The good part is that I have tons of energy and I feel 25.


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