Unexpected things

Evan and I took off for our Utah trip two weeks ago and now I'm back home getting ready to start work on Monday.  Boo!  We had many great moments a few bad ones on the trip.  You just never know what to expect.

 Evan and I had a great time on our trip- minus the car accident! I'm so exhausted from our house remodel that I can't write that well but here it goes:

1. It all started off well with a birthday bash for Aunt Linda. It had been a long time since I saw her and it felt so good to hear her voice and all of her stories.
Aunt Linda's Birthday.  She loves cake btw!

2. Next came the WEDDING.  What an amazing evening getting to watch my brother marry the love of his life.  I cried during the whole ceremony thinking of how much I love Jason.  We are all so blessed to have found our other halves!

I'm super sad I didn't get any photos of some of the kids.  I don't know why, but I'm sure someone out there can share a few with me.
My big Brother- love him.

Dad loving Milo

Everybody thinks Milo is the greatest thing ever!

Kristen was a great host!

Love these two so much! Does Blake ever act normal?

Sweet baby Milo

The Bride and Groom
Aaron & Heather- still a cute couple!

Kristen's Family- How do they all look like models?

 3.  We spent a few days in UT and then met Joli in Ogden to hang out.  Then came the accident...
Two more beautiful people in our family

Tyler, Hannah, and Evan

Made a quick dash to the Temple before we left and made some wishes in the pond.

I should have wished to not get in an accident!
4.  I was completely freaked after the accident but had to drive to Twin Falls - 2 hours of anxiety.  Evan said a prayer before we left and I had to do yoga type breathing the entire time to keep my heart rate down.  By the time we got there I felt a lot better so that was good!

Jason's parents treated us well and it was nice to see their new home and spend time chatting and eating good food.

Here are some pics from Idaho:
We got to Kayak on the water- good times!

Evan trying to look more Mayan than he already is.

5.  I drove 8.5 hours home a few days later and physically I was feeling low.  I came home to this and realized the stress was not over.
Yikes!  My heart sank.

But this cheered me up!

This reminded me of my childhood- washing dishes by hand.  Still hate it.
6.  Today I went for a long run after an exhausting week of remodeling and working in my classroom.  I'm so tired I almost didn't blog.
Our counter tops are getting installed on the 29th and we are counting down the days.  I sure hope our appliances show up this week!  Please pray for my sanity.
Eating helps with stress people!


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