Running on Empty

We have three weeks left of school and so much more to attend, accomplish, and finish!  Every year I think I won't make it and then by some miracle I do.  My house keeping however, goes completely down the toilet.
"Busy" is not an accurate word to describe the last several weeks!  I do enjoy everything my kids choose to do.  I just wish I didn't have to work AND get to everything else on time.  Here is my list of BUSY TIMES we lived through as a family.
The events Evan tried this year include: discus, triple jump, pole vault, 50 m, and medley relays.  The favorite and the most challenging was the pole vault.  The goal for the season was to just make it over to win the coveted fluorescent t-shirt.  It has been a long standing tradition at Eastmont to earn this shirt!

VIDEO: First time over the bar!

Both boys participate in band and both had to march in our community parades this year.  We had to attend 3 separate parades on different days between the two kids and of course, it was a weekend of 80+ degree weather.  For the grand parade, I ran the 10K first and then sat in the hot sun for a few hours to watch Dave march by.  I lucked out that a whole foods was nearby and I bought a delicious smoothie which helped me withstand the heat.

Marching by for practice during school.

Classy Chassis Parade with JAZZ band

Classy Chassis with both middle school bands.

VIDEO of David marching in the Grand Parade

I tell yah, it's interesting watching your kids figuring out how dating works.  Here is another cute pic from prom.  David says she is "just a friend who is a girl" but they hang out almost every weekend.  I am pretty sure that is how Jason and I started out.

I had a huge choir concert that made me nervous!  I had to direct and accompany my choirs at the same time and for some strange reason I thought I could handle that mentally.  Turns out, learning to play 10 songs on the piano stretched me to the max.  Fortunately, the concert was a big hit.
Almost a full shot of all my students.  There is 193 of them.

7th Grade Choir- We earned a Superior this year at competition!

The next day, Evan had his final band concert at the middle school.  Next year, he goes to the Junior High and will be joining Jazz Band for the first time.

  • David took his AP English test for four hours.  He said it was hard
  • Evan took a Geometry placement exam and rocked it with only 10 other people.
  • Jason said cherries will be picked starting next week.
  • David auditioned for the Chamber Choir and got in for his Senior year.  He is quitting band.  Bummer
  • We poured a concrete pad for David to park on.  We were done playing musical cars with a two car garage.
  • David is searching for a job.  We are not sure how hard.
  • Evan gave a talk in church and stood up there prepared and confident.
  • David gave a talk today in church and was unprepared and still stood up there confident.  I couldn't believe how well he did.
  • Both boys are still growing and growing.  I can't wait for all of you to see them this summer.


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