
Showing posts from April, 2016

7 more weeks!

Seven more weeks until school is out!   I think I can, I think I can! The anticipation of lazy summer days makes the last 7 weeks torture.  Throw in our local community days (a.k.a Apple Blossom), several concerts (the ear-worms get really bad people), end of the year behavior problems, and basically I'm sunk.  To summarize, I earn my pay those last few weeks before school gets out. This past week I had 1st and 2nd grade program and Evan had his first track meet.  I made it late to the event and got there just in time to snap a pic of Ev running the 400m.  He has another meet this week and I hope to get pics of him attempting pole vault. My track boy! Flowers from my students after the concert. David and I have spent some time together this week buying everything he needs for his first prom.  It has been fun talking about it and finding out details from him.  Next week I hope to get pics in front of the house without crying or embarrassin...

Birthday Week

My birthday week really started the week before when Missy gave me this amazing gift!  I am compiling old and new recipes and have found the organization a lot better than what I was doing before.  I don't panic anymore when people ask me for recipes and I can find them faster because of the colored paper that sits behind each card.  I can't wait for the summer when I have time to learn how to cook new things.  My actual birthday was spent at school teaching music and wishing I was outside.  Here is a pic of my disorganized thinking.  Trying to pick out music for tweens, and making it fun and interesting, is more stressful than you would think.  Especially when they have never heard of any of the songs you chose and you have to convince them that "old" music is fun to sing! When I went to erase it later I found a small anonymous message hidden in the center.  It reads, "We all love you."  That really made my birthday special. My bda...

Spring Break 2016

Just a few notes and thoughts: This past week we all went different directions.  Jason stayed home and worked, Evan & I went to Montesano (to visit Missy), and David went to Disneyland with the Eastmont Jazz Band. I went to the beach and heard the waves crashing and all of sudden I was transported back to my bedroom in Hawaii.  Where I fell asleep for two years hearing the ocean.  It was very therapeutic and emotional for me. Talking with the kids today at family council, I had an overwhelming feeling of pride for my kids and husband.  We are always working on our relationships and we truly do love each other.   Our Spring Break ended on a good note as we counseled the kids about how to communicate with us and helped them understand that we were teens once too. We have only 9 more weeks of school before summer break and although it will be crazy busy with events I think I will make it.  And hopefully get back to the beach! Why doesn't parenting c...