Spring update

We made it to the first day of Spring!  I think we are as busy as other families but some weeks make me wonder.  Here are some random updates:
1.  A new cook book has been added to our library and we are just beginning to try new food.  I enjoy cooking with the kids even though it takes longer and sometimes costs a fortune.  David kept pointing out the cost at the grocery store. Part of me was proud that he even cared about my money.  The steak was delicious by the way and Jason ate mushrooms.  Wow, I have influenced him!

 2.  Cuddles
Jason seems to not enjoy the constant cuddles he gets from the boys as much as I do.  He may just be tolerating them, I don't know.  What cracks me up is that the kids don't seem to notice he is starting to feel claustrophobic.  What impresses me is that Jason cuddles back every time and understands they need that from him.  What a great Dad.
3. David decided to quit band next year.  He had valid reasons but I was a little sad.  This is a pic of his last band concert....ever.  Maybe by some miracle he will change his mind.  He is planning on singing in choir, that's awesome too.

4. My birthday is coming up and it is the first time I am thinking of an expensive gift for myself.  This purse is made of Italian leather and is so me!  I about choked when I saw the price and then I thought, "Oh, but I'm totally worth it."

5.  I admit this is not a pretty picture of me but it illustrates just how hard it is to run long distances.  I am proud I have been running since 5th grade.  If you think running is not for you, try reading "Born to Run".

6.  Evan is going to start track in a week.  Wrestling was a success and Evan will be doing it through HS, or at least he is saying that now.
David will be getting a job, taking the ACT, and finishing his Eagle Scout project this spring and summer.  I know he is overwhelmed and hopefully we can get through it all like family should.


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