Let Us Remember

For many reasons I am severely stressed the first few weeks of December.  This year, I took control and started reading a book about tidying up.  Then, I decided to try what it suggested once a week when I was excited about making a change.  I have to say, I am shocked that it has been working for me!  I do not spend countless hours tidying up but 20 min. here and there and I love the peace and quiet.  The book recommends tidying up with silence and without TV and music.  It has relieved a lot of stress and I am changing small habits.
I confess, my dresser did not use to look this way!

One night at 11:00 p.m. I even did this!
I have also found that my quiet time tidying up is when I think about what I believe in and what my actions are doing for my life.  And since it is Christmas, I have thought of the Savior often and even asked myself what more I can do to show my love for him.  I guess you could say I have been tidying up my mind and heart at the same time as my clothes.
Tidying up has helped me focus on the REAL REASON FOR THE SEASON.
I miss my family more than I want to admit.  Especially my Mom who has missed out on so much with my kids.  Christmas should be the time to see each other and rekindle relationships but it is difficult when everyone lives far away or takes family trips because of work schedules.  In fact, we are heading to CA ourselves as soon as school gets out.

Even though I cannot be with my side of the family, I still think about them.  I still wonder if they are enjoying their families and eating yummy food.  Or if they are sharing memories of my Mom with others and pondering what we learned as children about the Savior from our parents.  

My heart is very full right now with memories of Christmas past and hopes for spending a Christmas with my siblings one more time while I am living.  I can vividly recall each of my 5 siblings voices and personalities and it brings tears to my eyes knowing we all started out in the same home and have made our own way since.

I want my nieces and nephews to know that it kills me that I don't know them like I should however, I love them and pray for them very often.  I enjoy their instagram pictures and "likes" I get for my own pics.  I wish I could know what is really in their hearts and who the people are they have fallen in love with and chosen to share a life with.  It amazes me that I always see my brothers and sisters in their cute faces.

This Christmas I'm choosing to remember my Savior and my family who are both a part of my eternity and I looking forward to being with my brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews again.  Hopefully for some type of amazing celebration!  Then I can tell them all the things I have written here to their faces and get hugs and here them say, "I love you".


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