Here are some things that have happened in the last month. It is amazing how fast time flies!
1. David had his first Jazz Concert and I was blown away by the sound. Of course I am a proud Mom.
Fall Jazz Concert
2. The wind has been blowing extra hard this week and we are finally feeling the temperature drop below 73. I am also enjoying watching the leaves fall from our neighbors yard into ours. The boys don't find this entertaining because they end up cleaning it all up but I love all the colors.
3. Evan looked at me the other day and said, "Mom, you have failed me. I don't even know how to make a quesadilla." Well, he was right so I taught him this week. That now means he can heat up a can of chili, pour cereal, make Ramen, a sandwich, and quesadillas. I feel accomplished for now.
Evan can cook!
4. Every year Evan talks and talks about what he wants to be for Halloween. This year it was Batman. We bought a mask a month early. He has had a lot of fun pretending to be batman around the house and scaring me non-stop. Finally, I bought him the onesie he had to have that looks like a batman costume. I thought, "WOW, for sure he's gonna wear this costume trick or treating this year!" and then this happened:
Halloween Fun
I guess I should have known better because the kid always changes his mind at the last second and wears something we already own. In fact David wore this costume when he was 4 but I guess Spongebob squarepants is still popular!
5. David passed his drivers test!!!!!!! He just has to wait until he actually turns 16 to get it. :) We wanted to make sure he took the driving test before the snow came and I am so happy he did.
6. Evan decided to play basketball for the first time ever and David will start swim team in 3 weeks.
Picture taken near Echo Ridge in Manson, WA Today I was inspired to start this blog while listening to a great friend teach during church. I kept thinking - How am I going to share what I feel, know, and love about this life with other people? I am sure not everyone in this world wants to know what goes on in my head but I feel a strong desire to share it anyway. I have also wanted to become a better writer and hopefully this new outlet can help. Please be patient with the spelling, and wording, and maybe a few weak attempts to be funny!! I am living the unexpected life. This is not a negative comment because in my wildest dreams I would have never imagined living the way I do now. I have a great husband that I have been friends with for over 20 years - two incredible boys- a very unexpected but fabulous job - and peace of mind. Through all of the good and turbulent times I have always known what the vision is for my life. I know this has made the unexpected easier to handle. I...
Be Yourself. Love who are. Find out what you are good at. Do not compare yourself to others. You are unique. Growing up I heard all of the above phrases and more. Funny thing is, I never actually took that advice to heart until much later. I did try to be someone else (or at least imagined I was). I did not always love myself the way I should have. I even thought I was not that gifted at anything. I compared my weaknesses to the strengths of others. I didn't feel like one of a kind when I had braces and glasses. Now that I am raising kids myself, I just can't get over the fact that I felt that way at times. I know for certain that I earned every ounce of confidence I now own. I now realize that every single one of us needs to learn how to be ourselves without worrying about what others may think of us. It is a hard lesson. One I personally learned over years of failures and through prayer. I ...
It is that time of year again! I like making resolutions but keeping them is getting harder every year. The funny thing is...I do not feel like a a failure at the end of the year because I at least gave them some thought. This year I am at a loss. So, here is a quick list of options. Keep in mind options means OPTIONAL and therefore not written in stone. I still have two more days to figure things out. Finish what I start i.e. the knitting I have started and restarted several times. This could also include painting around the house. Find a new hobby . Not sure what that would be but I googled it and apparently pole dancing is a hobby. Pretty sure I am not going to pick that one! Mountain bike. Jason would laugh at this one but it terrifies me so it is a good thing to put on the list. If you have never tried it just imagine biking over rocks and sticks. Sounds easy but I always end up bleeding on my yearly ride with the hubby. Eat breakfast. Crazy right? I never wake up...
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