Fall Happenings 2015

Here are some things that have happened in the last month.  It is amazing how fast time flies!

1.  David had his first Jazz Concert and I was blown away by the sound.  Of course I am a proud Mom.

Fall Jazz Concert

 2.  The wind has been blowing extra hard this week and we are finally feeling the temperature drop below 73. I am also enjoying watching the leaves fall from our neighbors yard into ours.  The boys don't find this entertaining because they end up cleaning it all up but I love all the colors.

 3.  Evan looked at me the other day and said, "Mom, you have failed me.  I don't even know how to make a quesadilla."  Well, he was right so I taught him this week.  That now means he can heat up a can of chili, pour cereal, make Ramen, a sandwich, and quesadillas.  I feel accomplished for now.
Evan can cook!

 4.  Every year Evan talks and talks about what he wants to be for Halloween.  This year it was Batman.  We bought a mask a month early.  He has had a lot of fun pretending to be batman around the house and scaring me non-stop.  Finally, I bought him the onesie he had to have that looks like a batman costume.  I thought, "WOW, for sure he's gonna wear this costume trick or treating this year!"  and then this happened:
Halloween Fun
I guess I should have known better because the kid always changes his mind at the last second and wears something we already own.  In fact David wore this costume when he was 4 but I guess Spongebob squarepants is still popular!

5. David passed his drivers test!!!!!!!  He just has to wait until he actually turns 16 to get it. :)  We wanted to make sure he took the driving test before the snow came and I am so happy he did.

6.  Evan decided to play basketball for the first time ever and David will start swim team in 3 weeks.


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