Day #9
The person who has gotten me through the most. Obviously this person is my handsome husband. We have known each other since I was 14 which means that we have been hanging out for 25 years now! Crazy, isn't it? My husband does a lot of things for me that the world may not consider valuable or proof that he actually loves me. He does not lavish me with chocolates,flowers, or useless gifts. He does not tell me everything will be okay when he knows it won't. He has never sugar coated a response and does not value money or things. He does not put his job above all in order to take me on wild expensive vacations and he doesn't buy me everything I could ever want. My husband is the kind of person who tells you what he thinks, loves you honestly, and puts thought into every action he takes. He values our family more than money and shows me that he loves me by spending time with me. For example, on our last adventure we...