Day 4 - My Bad Habit(s)

I have many bad habits that I have been trying to change since I got married. For some reason, it is not working. Honestly, I have tried to remember where I put my cell phone and desperately try not to pile papers on any flat surface available.

Sometimes I even stuff things in a junk drawer and forget that I put them there. I also hate putting my laundry away - (actually that one I think I have conquered)- and folding socks is the worst when everybody in this house has black socks that all look the same!

The worst one however, is my hatred towards washing the pots and pans. Maybe I was traumatized in High School by my parents and therefore I cannot do the pots and pans without disgust. I am sure I will pass this one on to my kids. Jason still wonders why I leave those bad boys in the sink every time and walk away. But for some reason, I have to think about it for a while before I actually get around to doing them. (Usually at 10 p.m. before I hit the hay.)

This summer I did some major changes which are working now but, when I start school again in a week I think they may unravel. If anyone has great ideas on how to CHANGE a BAD HABIT for good please let me know! I will be waiting to hear from you.


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