Running on Empty
We have three weeks left of school and so much more to attend, accomplish, and finish! Every year I think I won't make it and then by some miracle I do. My house keeping however, goes completely down the toilet. "Busy" is not an accurate word to describe the last several weeks! I do enjoy everything my kids choose to do. I just wish I didn't have to work AND get to everything else on time. Here is my list of BUSY TIMES we lived through as a family. TRACK: The events Evan tried this year include: discus, triple jump, pole vault, 50 m, and medley relays. The favorite and the most challenging was the pole vault. The goal for the season was to just make it over to win the coveted fluorescent t-shirt. It has been a long standing tradition at Eastmont to earn this shirt! VIDEO: First time over the bar! APPLE BLOSSOM: Both boys participate in band and both had to march in our community parades this year. We ...