Mother's Day 2015

My Mother's Day was amazing! We went on a hike an hour from home  near Leavenworth and I took at least 100 pictures of Mother Nature.  I am trying to learn names of plants and animals which is not as easy for me as playing the piano.  Still,  I enjoy the challenge.

I was in heaven being outside with my children who amused me the entire time.  We are an extremely close family and staying that way is most important to me.  I am happy to say that my boys still call me Mommy, hold my hand, kiss me in public, hug me, ask for my help, and talk to me about their interests and concerns.

I love being a Mother and I know that the kids can feel that.  I am also still in love with their Dad and it is important to me that they know that too!

The cedar trees were gigantic.
Lots of mosquitoes here and we forgot the spray!
Looking out over Tall Timber Ranch

Mr. V.-a handsome guy.

Mr. Cool

Candy Flower?

Indian paintbrush


Red Belt Fungus

I think David is too old now for his Dad's fun games.


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