We're off to the Zoo!

June 2011

Sleeping in, eating, taking trips, and having kids drive me crazy are all thing I EXPECT to happen during the summer. Being as lazy as I am was not part of the plan but I am growing to love it more and more as each day passes.
Recently the boys and I took a trip to Seattle for a wedding shower and a day of fun at the zoo. I was a little hesitant to do it until I realized that the GPS in my car has given me wings I never knew I had. I even drove to the Old Spaghetti factory down town. I do not do well driving in the city but I impressed myself with my skills. I think someone only flipped me off once. Well, technically twice because I got both hands!!!
Our day at the zoo was a sizzling 70 degrees that day and as we walked around I started remembering what it was like to be there with my little boys. David splashed in every puddle and Evan ran off every chance he got. (He did the same thing this time unbelievably.)
I took some great pictures on this trip and wanted to share them. I love my boys so much it hurts.
David & Evan: 5&2

David: 1 year old


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