
Showing posts from October, 2014


My family had quite a time over the weekend hanging out and doing a variety of things.  We are all about finding our own personal happiness around here!  In fact, it has been quite an adventure for Jason and I helping our children discover what makes them happy. I bought Dave a new trumpet this year.  David is a member of the High School Jazz Band and Concert band this year.  He enjoys it a great deal now that he is at the High School.  I was surprised that he danced in the stands at the football game with his other band members and proudly marched out onto the field to perform for Homecoming half time. Getting Along Annoying Little Brother ruins it! Little Bro pretending to be hurt. Finally peaceful again. Evan is learning to play the guitar.  He randomly strums his instrument each day and if I'm lucky I will catch him singing too.  He is doing well in school and cross country despite being sick for the past couple of ...