As a working Mom I feel like I am constantly running, making lists, crossing things off, planning my next move, forgetting something, cleaning, cooking, hugging kids, scolding kids, working out, and trying not to fail at my job. I know mentally it is completely impossible to be the best at everything. That is why several years ago I allowed myself to not be perfect! Sounds simple but it was hard to do. It took daily practice - not laziness- but practice. Now, I can look at a messy room and think the following: "Ami, you should clean that room. It would look really nice when you are done. You worked all day and didn't get a chance to clean so you should pick up a broom and get to it. On second thought, you should walk into the next room and give your teenager a kiss. He might really need one! Oh, and you should tell him you are proud of him and not let him get away with NOT kissing you back. And, you should ask him how things are...