My Young Men

When Evan was a little guy he did a lot of things that drove me crazy like running out the front door at 2 when I wasn't looking or biting my on the softest part of my neck unexpectedly. He also was the funniest guy with words and spoke at a very early age in full sentences. I miss that crazy little boy sometimes however, I'm very much enjoying the young man he has become. He still holds my hand through the parking lot and while we sit on a pew at church. He asks me to tuck him in and tells me every last detail about his day at school. He dutifully does his homework, practices his instrument, and cleans his room the same day he is asked! What a great son. Handsome too, right? David has always been the kindest one in our family. He is always in tune with how people are feeling and whether or not they feel left out. When he was a toddler he use to pat my back while I cried because I was overwhelmed with motherhood. He'd say,...